​​Come sit with us!

Read about  our presence at the Shalom Second Annual  Wellness Fair on our "When and Where" page!

Start your own Stillness Group!  Contact Jeff Wright at jeffwright72@gmail.com.

The Platteville Stillness Group is back outside for the summer!  See our "When and Where" page for details.

​      Stillness Groups

Stillness Groups  are opportunities to sit quietly with others.  We strengthen our practice through community.  Sitting tall and softly we find dignity, sanity, and compassion.  A quiet satisfaction begins to pervade our lives.  We invite everyone: all religious and political persuasions, all practice backgrounds (or lack thereof), ethnicities and races, people of every sort possible.  Sit on the floor or sit in a chair; and what you do with your mind is nobody else's  business. Come sit with us!